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TV is not making you smarter!

One of the best actions I took was to disable what I felt was no longer good for me.

When we have something hurting us, a thorn, for example, to the point that it hurts and makes it impossible for us to do things that really change us, do we remove this factor that causes pain or do we simply neglect and continue with the discomfort?

We usually remove the thorn. Normally.

In my view, the same happens with TV. We can remove the thorn or leave it there.

And when I removed this thorn, I took away pains that affected me. I took away the pain of suffering for something that is not within my reach; I removed the folly of thinking that the betrayal/theft/sadness fiction of a show is reality.

It's not my reality. I don't allow it to be.

If I only get news that people are bad, that the world is collapsing, what will I potentially interpret from this world?

What do I judge with my heart or what is fatally imputed in my mind?

What am I forced to believe and internalize by what TV presents me?

In taking this attitude, I really had to let go of some points.

I stopped watching, in my rare moments, movies.

Replace this time with books and YouTube channels made by real people.

I stopped following series (aka reality shows) and adventure programs.

I found that I can make this adventure my own life!

I put a stop to the news.

What a great blessing! I started to interpret facts and events in my own way. Without the interpretation of others. After all, do I think with my head or with the minds of others? Even worse, from people who don't even know me!

And how I gained from it...

I gained a beautiful garden with this free time.

I acquired hobbies I always wanted.

I invested in self-knowledge.

I learned a new profession! (which, by the way, allowed me to create this blog!)

I have given a new meaning to life.

To top it off, I made room on my shelf for beautiful books.

I made myself a beautiful reality. Where what I perceive I can get better, I do it.

And most importantly, I gained peace of mind!

Olá e seja bem-vindo!
Eu sou a Claudia e a nossa missão por aqui é facilitar a sua vida através de receitas deliciosas, fáceis e extremamente nutritivas! 
Além disso, compartilhamos nosso amor pela horta, por comer bem e nosso caminho para uma vida mais completa e feliz.
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