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How to stop throwing your apples away

We talk a lot about consuming more fruits because of the numerous health benefits, however, what we don't know exactly is how best to buy fruits, and even more importantly, how to store them so that they remain beautiful, tasty and nutritious for a long time.

Let's start with the first and super important part: the moment we pick our apples at the supermarket or farmer's market.

When I was a kid, I was often responsible for buying fruits and veggies for my grandmother. And she always told me to look for the prettiest ones, with the whole shell, not too big, not too small.

But let's get to what we most need to pay attention to when buying our apples.

How to pick the best apples.

  1. Be selective. Yes, important step! Although we often think that picking the first fruit in front of us is faster, the storage time in our home is directly linked to the quality of the options we buy. Allow yourself to go to the market with time to take home the best and freshest options.

  2. Try to buy apples in season. If you have the advantage of buying direct from farmers, or buying fresh fruit from each season, this step will ensure that your food lasts longer in the kitchen. Apples sold in supermarkets are often picked green and stored in refrigerators or freezers before going to the counter. Which naturally already decreases the validity and flavor of the food.

  3. Choose apples with the stem. Buying apples with the stem intact also guarantees a longer shelf life. This is because microorganisms can enter through the skin when the stem is removed, causing the fruit to ripen (or rot) faster.

  4. Apples with the most beautiful skin. It's not just our skin that shows the health of our interior! The same goes for apples, so watch out for this point! Looking for options without stains and bruises is a step towards making fruits last longer at home.

  5. Do you like to buy apples of different varieties? Try not to mix them at home. That's because apples have different skins and pulp - some more rigid, others more succulent. So keep in mind that the juiciest apples also ripen faster.

Now that we know how to buy the right choice of apples, let's see how we can guarantee more happy days for our fruits at home.

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How to store apples for a short period.

For use in a few weeks.

  1. Keep the apples on the kitchen counter, at room temperature and away from the sun. Apples kept out of the fridge taste sweeter and stay fresh for approximately 2 weeks. So, with more visible fruits, the chances of eating an apple as a snack of the day are much greater!

  2. For a little longer, store the apples in the fridge, preferably wrapped in paper or in bags with holes. This way, the apples will stay fresh for up to 6 weeks. Try to keep apples away from other foods, as apples emit ethylene gas - a natural gas that makes food around them ripen much faster.

  3. Select apples each week. Separate the apples with bruises or dark spots from those in perfect condition. This step is necessary because the apples that are stained or bruised emit more ethylene gas. So separate the bruised apples from the ones that are in perfect condition. The bruises can be stored in the fridge or prepared first.

  4. Quick snack? Apple slices with lemon juice. If you prefer the ease of having chopped apples in the fridge, mix the apple slices with the juice of one lemon. In this way, the lemon will prevent the slices from turning dark. The ideal consumption time varies between 3 and 5 days.

How to store apples for a long period.

For a few months.

  1. Store in a cool, dark place. Storing apples in cellars is an ancient technique for storing various foods for long periods. Storing apples in one location in the garage or inside dark, icy cupboards allows apple storage to last longer.

  2. Roll up the apples before storing them. Wrapping each apple in paper and placing each fruit in a box allows for longer storage time. Thus, we prevent them from catching light directly and the apple can maintain a more stable temperature.

  3. Freeze the apples. We can slice apples and mix them with lemon juice so they don't brown. Afterwards, we dry the excess juice and put it in the freezer. Frozen apples lose some of their crunchiness, but are great when used in recipes with cooked apples, such as in cakes and pies, applesauce, etc.

The apple is, as the popular saying goes, able to keep away from constant visits to doctors! They can balance cholesterol, are great for heart health and even help with blood circulation!

Now that we know how to buy and store apples, we only have reason to eat them!

Talking so much about apples made my mouth water for a beautiful apple pie, my favorite!!

Share with me: which apple recipe has your heart the most?

With love,


Olá e seja bem-vindo!
Eu sou a Claudia e a nossa missão por aqui é facilitar a sua vida através de receitas deliciosas, fáceis e extremamente nutritivas! 
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