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4 Steps to Transforming Your Health once and for all!

One healthy person has a thousand desires. A person without health, only one: to be healthy - Die Agnes Karll-Schwester, Der Krankenpfleger.

You may agree with me, but there is no better investment than preserving and strengthening one of the most precious assets. And here we talk about our physical and mental health. After all, our body is our temple, and our mind is the compass for our best accomplishments.

And to honor our health, in this article, we will talk about four essential points to put into practice today or to intensify our actions to have even better health!

Nature, well-being, trees, quality of life, immunity
Spending time in nature is also a key to improving our immunity, quality of life, and well-being.


Content Index

  1. Time to Rest

  2. How to Create a Ritual

  3. Movement

  4. Plant-Based Nutrition

  5. How to Start with Plant-Based

  6. Meditation & Journaling

  7. How to develop the habit of Journaling

  8. Conclusion


Where to focus for better health?

Let's go to the four fundamental points that encompass our general health!

Time to Rest

We live a life, for the most part, very hectic. And as if all the excitement is not enough from the moment we get out of bed, the same fast pace continues for the rest of the day. Even moments before we fall asleep, we keep stimulating our brain with bright lights, TV or cell phone screens, and loud sounds.

However, the darkening of the day has reasons. It is when we should reduce the pace of the day, reduce contact with lights and take our body to rest. As we prepare ourselves for rest, our body starts releasing relaxation and revitalization hormones.

Due to all the importance of sleep, when we do not feel well, or maybe need to recover from, for example, a bad cold, we feel the need for better sleep even stronger.

Has it ever happened to you that you get the ideal 7-8 hours of rest at night, but you still wake up the next day with a heavy body and sleepy mind? It is also due to how we go to sleep the day before. Not only do we depend on the ideal amount of sleep, but mainly on the quality of this sleep.

So, create a sleep ritual: think of a time that you can dim the lights and sounds, turn off the internet and prepare the body for rest.

Eating light foods without caffeine or stimulants is also essential. By doing so, the body can have maximum energy for sleep revitalization and not focus on digesting food, for example.

Bedroom, sleep quality, better sleep, cozy room
Creating a cozy space with air circulation in the bedroom allows for even better nights!

How to create a Ritual

  • Set a fixed time to go to your room. You probably have time to wake up, so would it not be fair for the body to have time to go to sleep? In this way, we create a habit that will make it easier for us to fall asleep and have a night of restorative sleep.

  • Dim the lights and turn off the screens of all appliances at least 30 minutes before bed. Artificial lights keep our brain attentive and working, which can influence the quality of our sleep.

  • Avoid caffeinated teas and drinks. Opt for calming teas like chamomile or lemon balm before heading to your bedroom. These teas help with sleep quality. However, there is an important point: drink a hot tea 1 hour before bedtime so that a trip to the bathroom does not interrupt your sleep!


If during sleep we renew our energies, during the day nothing better than putting our body in motion - our body was made to be in action! If going to the gym or taking long walks seems out of the question, who knows how to do 10 minutes of physical activity?

Jumping rope, doing jumping jacks, and some squats are just a few ways to move the body! If we don't have 10 minutes to ourselves, what do we have left?

If physical movement is not yet part of your days, remember that we can always start, there is always time! Start slow! There is no need to go from 0 to 80!

Some light activity 1 to 2 days a week, for a few minutes, will give you more energy, life, and well-being! What will probably be a passport to increase these stimuli over the weeks? Who knows, maybe a new athlete will bear here?

Plant-Based Nutrition

Foods with life generate life! For the best functioning of the body, we need to put the best fuel in the form of food into our body! Think of a car: for the motor to function, we need to put the correct gas in it! A diesel car should not get gas.

And the same goes for our bodies! Opt for variety, explore the Farmer's market and fruit session, and give color and life to your plate. Want a starting point? Eat one more fruit today!

Apple, how to eat apple, plantbased, vegan

Here we have a selection of articles for you to start and better understand the magic of the kitchen!

Meditation & Journaling

Our mind can be our ally or our enemy - it depends on the control we give it. Five minutes of conscious breathing and eyes closed is a super start to the day! Just as we do our physical hygiene when we wake up, we need our mental hygiene!

The practice of Journaling is also a way to clear our minds about what matters in our days.

All you need is a notebook and a pen, a room where you can concentrate for 5 minutes and start writing about what is on your mind!

There are countless Journaling formats, but here are some ideas for you to put into practice:

  • Start by writing about the points you are grateful for! It is easy to always think of the most obvious and important ones, such as food, our house, family, and health. But through this exercise, we realize many other points for which we can be grateful. For beautiful sunny or rainy days, the aroma of coffee in the kitchen on a Sunday morning, the opportunity to hear the birds and feel the wind. Or even for the chance to be who we are and for the beautiful mind we have!

  • Starting Journaling in the morning is a great time! We create the possibility to write about dreams we had during the night or plans for the day ahead. In addition to being able to express on paper what we do not like - why not? Here is the time for us to also put out what maybe bothers us. Imagine the diary as a friend and chat with it!

  • Are you still not having much to write? Start writing about the day, the weather, and what you will do after writing in your notebook - the main point is to get started! After that, a trigger will wake up in your mind, and make sure that when you realize it, you will have more than two pages complete with just what you had in your thoughts and did not even know!

This practice, although simple, is so important! We are communicative beings, but at times we do not want to expose to others everything we feel and think - and that's okay!

When we write to ourselves, it is as if we were telling someone else, thus generating the possibility of analyzing situations from a third view.


All four steps are essential. But do you want some advice? Start a transformation by one of the points first! And as you gain more energy, improve the next point!

In this way, we will be sure that each step will have full attention and will be a lasting change!

After all, today is the day to transform our health!

Today and always!

Olá e seja bem-vindo!
Eu sou a Claudia e a nossa missão por aqui é facilitar a sua vida através de receitas deliciosas, fáceis e extremamente nutritivas! 
Além disso, compartilhamos nosso amor pela horta, por comer bem e nosso caminho para uma vida mais completa e feliz.
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